👨💻 Current Activities
💻 Check out what I’m currently working on
- DannyvdSluijs/AoC-2024 (4 days ago)
- DannyvdSluijs/AoC-2017 (5 days ago)
- DannyvdSluijs/ExactOnlineRestApiReference (6 days ago)
- DannyvdSluijs/OpenSourceArmy (1 week ago)
- umulmrum/holiday (1 week ago)
- genkgo/camt (2 weeks ago)
- jsonrainbow/json-schema (2 weeks ago)
- DannyvdSluijs/PicqerExactPhpClientGenerator (1 month ago)
- DannyvdSluijs/exact-online-meta-data-tool (1 month ago)
- picqer/exact-php-client (1 month ago)
📜 My recent blog posts
- The unknown Composer commands (1 year ago)
- Figuring out how parallel processing works in PHP (1 year ago)
- Securing the web at no cost (5 years ago)
- About MutableCreationOptionsInterface (6 years ago)
- WsdlToClass V1.0.0 released (7 years ago)
🔨 My recent Pull Requests
- Enable PHP 8.4 in test matrix on umulmrum/holiday (1 week ago)
- ci: add php 8.4 to build matrix on JsonMapper/JsonMapper (1 week ago)
- Add PHP 8.4 to build matrix on genkgo/camt (2 weeks ago)
- refactor: Cleanup test from @param annotations on jsonrainbow/json-schema (2 weeks ago)
- Raise minimum level php enum on jsonrainbow/json-schema (2 weeks ago)
- build: include php 8.4 in workflow on jsonrainbow/json-schema (2 weeks ago)
- fix: correct phpstan baseline on jsonrainbow/json-schema (2 weeks ago)
- build: update symfony to 6.4 lts on DannyvdSluijs/exact-online-meta-data-tool (1 month ago)
- feat: Update based on documentation d.d. 2024-10-28 on picqer/exact-php-client (1 month ago)
- refactor: add declare strict_types to all classes in ./src on jsonrainbow/json-schema (2 months ago)
- Update README.md correct images paths on xirixiz/homeassistant-afvalwijzer (2 months ago)
- refactor: add visibility modifiers to class constants on jsonrainbow/json-schema (2 months ago)
- Update functionMap.php for SplFileInfo::getPathInfo return type on phpstan/phpstan-src (2 months ago)
- Resolve deprecations: Optional parameter $… declared before required parameter $… on jsonrainbow/json-schema (2 months ago)
- Add PHP justinrainbow/json-schema implementation on bowtie-json-schema/bowtie (3 months ago)
🔭 Latest releases I’ve contributed to
- deployphp/deployer - v7.5.8 (1 week ago)
- genkgo/camt - 2.8.1 (1 week ago)
- bowtie-json-schema/bowtie - v2024.11.7 (2 weeks ago)
- PHPCSStandards/PHP_CodeSniffer - 3.11.1 (3 weeks ago)
- staabm/phpstan-todo-by - 0.2 (4 weeks ago)
- thephpleague/container - 4.2.4 (4 weeks ago)
- picqer/exact-php-client - v4.4.2 (1 month ago)
- DannyvdSluijs/exact-online-meta-data-tool - 3.0.0 (1 month ago)
- jsonrainbow/json-schema - 6.0.0 (4 months ago)
- infi-nl/timechimp-billability-chart - v1.8.2 (5 months ago)